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프랑스 과협에서 5월 14일 아래와 같이 학술 세미나를 개최합니다.

회원분들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

Date: May 14 (Saterday), 2022, 20:00 ~ 22:00 PM (Paris Time)

Online Zoom link: Presenters and topics 1) Greeting and Introduction/moderator: Prof. Junbeum Kim (President of ASCOF) 2) Presentation 1: HONG, Aram, PhD (Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie, Université de Bordeaux) Title: Mass-resolved circular dichroism spectroscopy of cold, isolated chiral molecules In chemistry, chiral molecules cannot be superposed on its mirror image. They have identical physical and chemical properties, but only absorption coefficients differ for left- and right-handed circularly polarized light, which is called CD. CD spectroscopy has been extensively used to investigate the structures and structural changes of chiral compounds. Most of CD have been measured in solution where molecules exist in many conformations, and thus the values obtained represent averaged CD values. By contrast, CD spectroscopy of chiral molecules in the gas phase can distinguish specific conformers of a chiral molecule. Here, I will report the mass-resolved CD spectra of chiral molecules and their clusters in the gas phase using circularly polarized laser pulses, which were generated by using the photoelastic modulator and nanosecond laser system. The CD spectra exhibited well-resolved bands which were specific for the conformations and vibrational modes of each enantiomer. Moreover, the CD signs and magnitudes of the chiral molecules were very sensitive to their conformations. 3) Presentation 2: LEE, Daye, PhD (Institut des Sciences Moléculaires, Université de Bordeaux) Title: Analysis of economic growth-industrial activities-industrial hazardous waste nexus in South Korea Industrial hazardous waste (IHW) has been a fatal negative impact on the environment and humans. It also caused social problems, such as waste transactions between countries in unequal status from developed countries to less developed countries. To prevent this, the Basel Convention has been signed to regulate the transboundary movements and trade of IHW. This research have firstly modeled extended waste input-output table (EWIOT) for IHW of South Korea. Using this modeled EWIOT. I have analyzed the characteristics of IHW generation based on the industrial ecological concept by modifying IPAT equation and LMDI method, identifying the IHW footprint in sector level in terms of supply and demand and the factors affecting IHW increase or decrease among final demand change factors, import substitution factors, and production technology factors. The results of this research are expected to contribute to the basic research of establishing a rational waste policy that reflects the characteristics of each industry by quantitatively evaluating the generation and management of waste.


독일 과협에서 5월 25일 아래와 같이 학술 세미나를 개최합니다.

회원분들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

일시: 2022년 5월 25일 (수) 21:00 (CET)

주제: Overview of Fusion, ITER, Tritium Breeding Technology

발표자: 김병윤 박사님

Short Bio: Dr B.Y. Kim is the mechanical responsible officer of the TBM port plug design and manufacture at ITER Organization since Jan 2012. He has developed the FEM based shakedown analysis for plasma facing components to predict safety limit during his PhD in Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) and Technische Universitaet in Muenchen. Before joining ITER Organization, he worked for R&D center of Hyundai-Kia Mortors (2005- 2008) as senior research engineer to develop new materials and processing. After he joined National Fusion Research Institute (2008-2011) as technical responsible officer for ITER blanket first wall and neutral beam duct liner, and vacuum vessel support. He has extensive experience on the design and engineering of fusion components.


ITER is a large-scale scientific experiment that aims to demonstrate that it is possible to produce commercial energy from fusion. During its operational lifetime, ITER will test key technologies necessary for the next step: the demonstration fusion power plant that will prove that it is possible to capture fusion energy for commercial use. Tritium Breeding Blanket (TBB) ensuring tritium breeding self-sufficiency is a compulsory element for a demonstration power reactor (DEMO), the next-step after ITER. Although a TBB is not required for ITER, since it will procure the tritium from external sources, it is included among the ITER missions that “ITER should test tritium breeding module concepts that would lead in a future reactor to tritium self-sufficiency, the extraction of high grade heat and electricity production”. All activities related to this mission correspond to the so-called “ITER TBM Program”. A successful ITER TBM Program represents an essential step for any fusion power development plan of all the seven ITER Members (IMs). In this presentation, ITER and TBM Programs are briefly introduced.

접속링크: (로그인 후 해당 페이지에서 확인 가능)

최종 수정일: 2022년 4월 29일


다가오는 5월 7일 금요일,

2022년도 핀란드 과협 봄 정기 학술 행사를 아래와 같이 개최하고자 하오니,

회원분들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드리겠습니다.

참석하시는 회원분들께 점심으로 한식도시락을 같이 제공드릴 예정이오니,

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본 행사는 오프라인 (헬싱키 대성당 앞, Balderin Sali, 주소 Aleksanterinkatu 12, 00170 Helsink) 및

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